''Peter's Friends'' is a 1992 British comedy film written by Rita Rudner and her husband Martin Bergman, and directed and produced by Kenneth Branagh. The film follows six friends in an acting troupe who graduated from Cambridge University in 1982 and went their separate ways. Ten years later, Peter (Stephen Fry) inherits a large estate from his father, and invites the rest of the gang to spend New Year's holiday with him. Many changes have taken place in the lives of all the friends assembled, but Peter has a secret that will shock them all. ==Plot== It is New Year's weekend and the friends of Peter (Fry) gather at his newly inherited country house. Ten years ago, they all acted together in a Cambridge University student comedy troupe. Since then they have gone in different directions and various career paths. Peter's friends are Andrew (Branagh), now a writer in Hollywood; married jingle writers Roger (Laurie) and Mary (Staunton); glamorous costume designer Sarah (Emmanuel); and eccentric Maggie (Thompson), who works in publishing. Joining them are Carol (Rudner), the American TV star wife of Andrew; and loutish Brian (Slattery), Sarah's very recently acquired lover. Also accompanying them are Vera, Peter's long-serving housekeeper (Law), & her son Paul (Lowe). Peter's father has recently died, so Peter plans to sell the house after this last get-together party. Andrew and Carol have a troubled marriage & Roger and Mary are recovering from a devastating personal tragedy only slowly revealed to the audience: the death of one of their children. A lonely Maggie is determined to persuade Peter they should be more than just friends, and Sarah's not as happy with her life as she appears. The events lead to Carol leaving Andrew to go back to America which leads to him falling off the wagon and drinking again after he has been sober for over a year. Roger and Mary come to an understanding of their worry over the rest of their children. Brian leaves Sarah after she cannot decide if she loves him or, much more, wants a commitment. After a failed attempt to seduce Peter, Maggie ends up hooking up with Paul. In the climax of the film Peter is forced to break some heart-wrenching news to his friends and the real reason for his gathering of all of them for the get-together: he happens to be HIV-positive which ends the reunion (and the film) on a sour note (since HIV was at that time incurable and inevitably fatal). The film deals with themes of friendship, marriage, fidelity, materialism, and coping with death and loss. It has often been described as a British ''The Big Chill''. The character of Peter Morton was loosely based on Nicholas Eden, 2nd Earl of Avon. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Peter's Friends」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク